044 937 5962
044 937 5962
We have been working on replacing Lucey which closes down on 31st December 2016, we have been testing and trying a number of different options and we think we are set on the following pending some final tests. Please find out more details below by clicking the link.
21st April 2015
Royal Canal Financial Control Services & Ronan Duffy & Co, are pleased to host their first ever Conference which will be held at the Regency Hotel, Dublin 9, on Friday, May 15th.
For further details please click here.
8th April 2011
We have become aware of a number of bogus e-mails purporting to come from Revenue offering tax refunds.
The latest warning from Revenue is available here.
There is also a new e-mail out today offering a calculation of your 2011 tax liability.
Remember Revenue never requests personal information by e-mail. If you receive such an e-mail you should report it to Revenue so that the offending site can be shut down as soon as possible.
20th October 2010
[Quoting]The Revenue Commissioners have today (20/10/10) become aware of another fraudulent email purporting to come from Revenue seeking personal information from taxpayers in connection with a tax refund. This phishing email is headed “You are eligible to receive a tax refund” and advises recipients that “After the last calculation of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of 286.00 EUR”.
15th July 2010
The Revenue Commissioners have today (15/07/10) become aware of another fraudulent email purporting to come from Revenue seeking personal information from taxpayers in connection with a tax refund.
9th July 2010
Revenue have issued a warning over bonus phone callers/e-mail contacts purporting to be from Revenue. T
25 June 2010
Revenue issue a reminder not to disclose your PAYE PIN to any third party as it could be used for fraudulent purposes. The same applies to all your Revenue log-in details and your PPS number.
13th October 2009
A further circulation of e-mails was reported this week. Please be aware of this and visit the Revenue Commissioners Website for further information.
3rd July 2009
The Revenue Commissioners this week issued a warning that customers be vary of e-mails purporting to be from them offering tax refunds in exchange for sensitive financial information. The Revenue Commissioners never send emails which require customers to send personal information via email or pop-up windows.
It may be worthwhile reviewing the Revenue Commissioners security page for ways to ensure e-mails are genuine.
29 September 2010
A study published today by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has reported that 29% of sandwiches tested were stored above the required maximum temperature of 5%.
In the retail context, the phrase ‘your health is your wealth’ is very apt. So, keep a close check on your refrigeration units and have them regularly maintained.
The full details of the survey are available on the FSAI website here.
10 August 2010
The latest National Consumer Agency price survey shows a 14% drop in price of branded goods sold in Ireland’s multiples. Other major findings include price matching among the multiples and more evidence of promotions and special offers.
The full details of the survey are available on the National Consumer Agency website here.
RGDATA have criticised the survey in that it ignored the relatively new entrants in the market – Aldi, Asda and Lidl, and the effects these multiples have on the results, and also on the competitive pressure on the smaller retailers. The survey only spans 0.8% of a medium sized grocery outlet with 10,000 product lines.
Related Articles
Retail sales show first annual increase since 2008
New Website for Smart Shoppers
9th August 2010
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) today stated that a record thirteen Closure Orders were served on food businesses during the month of July, for breaches of food safety legislation pursuant to the FSAI Act, 1998 – this covers dirty premises, unhygienic practices and unsafe storage of food.
Closure orders mean the premises must be shut down until it is adjudged to have corrected its food safety issue. Full details of the businesses affected by closure orders are available on the FSAI website here.
Related Articles
Retail Regulatory Compliance Checklist
13th July 2010
JTI Ireland Limited have just launched their new website www.showmeid.ie where you can log in and access the interactive training module and some free downloads to use in your store.
We think this is very handy and important for you and your staff as the fines are hefty and are avoidable. We encourage you to train your staff and remind them of the consequences of selling tobacco products or even alcohol to under age customers, being illegal you and your staff can be fined.
Finally we would like to remind our clients and followers to ensure that your staff contracts have applicable paragraphs to cover the event of sale of tobacco and/or alcohol to underage and what actions you can take.
If you have any questions on this or the issues raised above please feel free to contact Joe or Ronan today.
13th July 2010
The cost of initiating a call for a prepaid customer is set to rise from 5c to 9c, a jump of 80pc, as announced by O2 & Meteor recently.
If you are a prepaid customer we urge you to keep an eye on your phone bill costs as we know you are all watching and trying to keep your costs down, perhaps if you use your phone a lot maybe a bundle package may suit you a lot better.
More details can be found on the Independent News website here.
So why not check out some of the other operators, or why not contact us today to see if we can pass on more savings through our select firms via our Royal Canal Networks that specialise in negotiating special group prices available to you our clients, call us today and for more information and to see what options are available to you.
Irish Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 2.7% in Q1 2010, compared to the GDP for Q4 2009, the Central Statistics Office revealed today. This was the first increase in GDP compared to the prior year quarter since quarter 4 2007. Gross Domestic Product is used as a calculation of the total income produced in the country as a measure of national wealth.
Gross National Product (GNP) adjusts GDP by excluding profits that are transferred abroad by multi-national corporations. Simply put, while GDP measures the total income flow in the economy during a period, it does not reflect the final wealth during the period as multi-national profits are not all spent in the country. Actual GNP fell by 0.50% compared to Q4 2009.
The results may show that Ireland is on the road to recovery. However, for Irish consumers the recovery will only be when the jobs market recovers, which in turn is dependent on the increase in GDP to stimulate the need for labour. The results are a sign of some optimism but there is a long way to go yet.
According to last week’s statistics from the CSO, the volume of retail sales increased by 6.0% in April 2010 compared to April 2009 and there was a monthly increase of 1.8%. The motor industry is leading the recovery. This is the first year-on-year increase in the volume of retail sales (excluding motor trades) since March 2008.
For the statistics summary from the CSO website please click here.