044 937 5962
044 937 5962
8th April 2011
We have become aware of a number of bogus e-mails purporting to come from Revenue offering tax refunds.
The latest warning from Revenue is available here.
There is also a new e-mail out today offering a calculation of your 2011 tax liability.
Remember Revenue never requests personal information by e-mail. If you receive such an e-mail you should report it to Revenue so that the offending site can be shut down as soon as possible.
20th October 2010
[Quoting]The Revenue Commissioners have today (20/10/10) become aware of another fraudulent email purporting to come from Revenue seeking personal information from taxpayers in connection with a tax refund. This phishing email is headed “You are eligible to receive a tax refund” and advises recipients that “After the last calculation of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of 286.00 EUR”.
15th July 2010
The Revenue Commissioners have today (15/07/10) become aware of another fraudulent email purporting to come from Revenue seeking personal information from taxpayers in connection with a tax refund.
9th July 2010
Revenue have issued a warning over bonus phone callers/e-mail contacts purporting to be from Revenue. T
25 June 2010
Revenue issue a reminder not to disclose your PAYE PIN to any third party as it could be used for fraudulent purposes. The same applies to all your Revenue log-in details and your PPS number.
13th October 2009
A further circulation of e-mails was reported this week. Please be aware of this and visit the Revenue Commissioners Website for further information.
3rd July 2009
The Revenue Commissioners this week issued a warning that customers be vary of e-mails purporting to be from them offering tax refunds in exchange for sensitive financial information. The Revenue Commissioners never send emails which require customers to send personal information via email or pop-up windows.
It may be worthwhile reviewing the Revenue Commissioners security page for ways to ensure e-mails are genuine.