044 937 5962
044 937 5962
From 1st January 2019 you will be able to view your weekly income and deductions through your online account at www.revenue.ie/myaccount.
While Revenue are not forcing employees to use the online service (except those that are First Time Registrations with Revenue which is currently Revenue’s Practice), it should be noted that there will be no P60s issued for the 2019 tax year end. You will be able to receive equivalent P60 details directly from Revenue, or if you are not registered for a Revenue account, you will have to wait until you receive your Revenue end-of-year statement in the post.
Please note: P60s will be issued as normal in January 2019 for the 2018 tax year end.
No Change For Employees Except for Technical Amendments:
From your perspective as an employee, there will be no change at all to the normal payroll process, and you will receive your weekly payslip as you currently do.
There may be some technical amendments to our payroll processes which will become clearer when the new system is fully launched on 1st January 2019. We will update the below list as such situations arise:
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