044 937 5962
044 937 5962
26th May 2012
As a result of the increased popularity of suppliers issuing invoices by email we have streamlined our processes in order to be most efficient and minimise user intervention.
Going forward each client under our Financial Accounting and Control Service will have their dedicated email address within the royalcanalfcs.ie domain. All other clients of our Royal Canal Bookkeeping service can also avail of this service should they wish to do so.
There are two distinct options with this service.
Option 1 – Invoices forwarded directly by suppliers
You need to contact the email suppliers with your new royalcanalfcs.ie address. We will print off the invoices for you and process them within your bookkeeping records. We can auto-forward any supplier invoices you require copies of, or manually forward any specific invoice requests.
Your own inbox is no longer cluttered with supplier invoices.
Option 2 – Invoices forwarded directly by you
You may continue to forward invoices directly to us or print them off as you presently do. However, we find that this is time consuming for you, and queries arise when an email is missed for forwarding/printing.
You may set up an auto-forwarder where you use a mail client such as Microsoft Outlook, and possibly some mail service providers where you log in though the internet (however some such as Yahoo only provide this through their premium service).
Instructions for forwarding emails automatically are available here on the following external sites. Of course, if you want to use this option and need assistance setting up email forwarding do not hesitate to ask:
Microsoft Outlook
Google Mail (Gmail)
To avoid spam issues your tailored royalcanalfcs.ie address will initially be issued by letter.