044 937 5962
044 937 5962
September 2016
From 12th September 2016 the Revenue Commissioners require that first time employees use the myAccount service in order to register for tax credits with them. Until you register with Revenue you will be deducted emergency tax on your payslip, up to and including the highest tax rate (currently 40%).
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I register for MyAccount?
Go to www.revenue.ie and under the MyAccount section click on Register for My Account. The MyAccount link gives full details of the information required to validate the process
2. I’ve registered for MyAccount, what is the next step?
After logging into MyAccount, click on the Jobs and Pensions Service area. Follow the on-screen prompts to register your new employment. As your employer’s payroll service provider we will supply the following required information:
3. I have already worked previously, why am I treated as a first-time employee?
If you have not registered fully with Revenue previously you will be treated as a first time employee by Revenue. This may occur where you did not complete the registration process on your first employment, and on starting your second employment you are still on emergency tax.
4. Where can I get further information?
The Revenue website contains information on the Jobs and Pensions Service area here. Alternatively send us back an email or contact us on 044 93 75 962 and we would be delighted to help.