044 937 5962
044 937 5962
04/02/2010 The Minister for Finance today announced the details of the Finance Bill 2010, which gives effect to some of the measures announced in last December’s Budget. The bill will become law by 9th April 2010.
Some of the main measures enacted as detailed in our budget summary are as follows:
Carbon Tax: Non-transport fuels (i.e. heating fuels) will be levied from 1 May 2010. Non-oil fuels (coal/peat) subject to ministerial order.
Car Scrappage Scheme: No changes from budget. VRT exemption for electric vehicles until 31 December 2012.
Exemption from Corporation Tax for 3 years: Extended to companies which commence trading in 2010.
The minister also outlined some new measures in his speech which are included in the bill:
For further details on any of the above or on the more technical aspects of the bill please see the Revenue website. If you would like clarification on any issue, please do not hesitate to contact us.