044 937 5962
044 937 5962
Last Updated: September 2009
On June 29 2009, Revenue launched it’s new National Excise Licence Office. This development will reduce the administrative burden associated with Excise Licence obligations as considerable streamlining will be applied to the Excise Duty Licence application and renewal process.
All licence renewal forms will have an automatic Tax Clearance facility applied to them; in effect licence holders who have a valid tax clearance certificate will receive a pre-printed renewal form and a payslip, for ease of use, that should be returned to the Collector General’s Office in Limerick. Those applicants who do not hold a valid Tax Clearance Certificate will receive a letter outlining their compliance position.
It should also be noted that the application fee has been increased to €500.
Should you require any assistance with your licence renewal, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help.