044 937 5962
044 937 5962
The following are a list of the main licences and licence organisations that exist in retail (click on title for relevant external site):
Irish Music Rights Organisation Limited (IMRO)
An annual licence fee is payable to IMRO where music and other recorded material is broadcast in a public area including any work area. IMRO is a not-for-profit organisation which distributes the licence fee income among the performers, song writers and publishers.
Phonographic Performance Ireland (PPI)
A PPI licence is required where music and other recorded material is broadcast in a public area including any work area. This fee is payable to the producer of the broadcast, e.g. record company. An IMRO licence must normally be accompanied by a PPI licence except where there is no record company, e.g. concerts and pub performances.
TV Licence
Under the Broadcasting Act 2009 a television set is “any electronic apparatus capable of receiving and exhibiting television broadcasting services broadcast for general reception (whether or not its use for that purpose is dependent on the use of anything else in conjunction with it) and any software or assembly comprising such apparatus and other apparatus.”
National lottery commercial monitors/digital signs are exempt from the Broadcasting Act as they have no TV tuners installed. Franchisors in retail are introducing electronic advertising solutions where it is the responsibility of the retailer to purchase the equipment for the display. Care should be taken that a commercial monitor is purchased for this purpose in order to not fall foul of the requirement to purchase a TV licence.