Royal Canal Financial Control Services

044 937 5962

Warning: Latest Email & SMS (text message) Scam Revenue Commissioners

This week one of our clients contacted us to ask if the txt they received was a spam txt or not. Also the Revenue Commissioners have posted on their website that they also have become aware of fraudulent emails and SMS (text messages) purporting to come from Revenue seeking personal information from taxpayers in connection with a tax refund or seeking credit/debit card details.

These emails and text messages did not issue from Revenue.

The Revenue Commissioners never send emails or text messages requiring customers to send personal information via email, text or pop-up windows.

Anyone who receives an email or text message purporting to be from Revenue and suspects it to be fraudulent or a scam should simply delete it. Anyone who is actually awaiting a tax refund should contact their local Revenue Office to check its status.

Anyone who provided personal information in response to these fraudulent emails or text messages should contact their bank or credit card company immediately.

Please see their Security page for further information.

10 April 2017