Royal Canal Financial Control Services

044 937 5962

Mini-Series – October 2024

Mandatory Staff Training Series: Elevate Your Skills

Starting from Wednesday, 9th October, we will be hosting a mandatory mini-series of training sessions for all staff over the next 3 to 4 weeks. These sessions are designed to provide practical skills and ensure all team members are fully equipped to manage key areas of our operations.

Each session will cover the same topics, with opportunities to ask questions and engage in discussions. To ensure a focused learning environment, each session is limited to 8 participants and will take place using the flat screen in the hall.

Why Short Sessions?

To avoid long, exhausting training sessions, each one will be kept to a maximum of 1 hour 15 minutes. This is why we’ve split the group into smaller teams spread throughout the day, allowing everyone to engage more effectively and ask questions without feeling overwhelmed.

Training Topics:

  • Basic Creditors: Reconciliation, statement saving, and best practices
  • Advanced Creditors: Using VLOOKUP and the new, improved template
  • Phone System: Managing status, forwarding calls, and chats
  • Outlook Email Management: Setting up rules and optimizing your inbox
  • Cash Accounts & Reconciliation: Efficient account handling and reconciliation
  • VAT Accounts & Reconciliation: Including yearly VATs for accuracy
  • Wages: Best practices for posting weeks, Net Pay vs. expenses, and checking payslips for LPT, BIK, loans, and more

Pick Your Group:

You must select one group to attend, and this will be your group for the duration of the training series. Please choose carefully, as once a group is full, registration will close for that option.

  • Blue Team: 10:00am – 11:15am and 1:30pm – 2:45pm
  • Green Team: 11:30am – 12:45pm and 3pm – 4:15pm

Note: All sessions will cover the same content, though questions and discussions may vary slightly between groups.


Use the form below to register for your selected group. As each session is limited to 8 participants, registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Important: Please use your work email when registering, as calendar invites for your selected sessions will be sent to this address.

In addition, the specific topics to be covered in each session will be included in the calendar invites, which will be sent closer to the session date. This allows you to prepare any questions or areas of focus you may want to discuss during the training.

We encourage you to sign up early to secure your spot in your preferred group, form is below this questions and Tips form

Please use the online form below to send in your tips and questions in advance of the session, please ensure they are in by Monday Clos Of Business to they can be picked up and considered, remember don’t need to give your name unelss you wish to give for Joe to reach out if needs clarification before the session, please note all submissions will be kept confidential.

Registration Form