044 937 5962
044 937 5962
Updated: 29 September 2012
This scam we like to call the cash dispersal scam. With this scam the employee neglects to scan all the items a customer purchases at the till, however the customer is charged the correct amount. At the end of the shift the employee pockets the amount that the till is over. Where the employee is not responsible for counting the till amount at the end of shift, the employee will be required to keep a record of money they have scammed in order to keep the till reconciled at the end of shift.
Common signs to look out for:
• Till is unreconciled by an even amount, e.g. bus tickets and lotto sales are easier to keep track of the amounts involved. This will only appear if the till operator makes a calculation error.
• Stock variances on items where it is easy to keep track of their monetary value.
• Large number of refunds issued, to cancel transactions fraudulently
• Zero transactions/price enquiries – scanner may beep during the transaction, but the till only records the product, no sale recorded.
• Customer price display not working – till is in a mode other than sales mode.
• Policy of receipts given to all customers and till display is clearly visible to the customer.
• Unannounced till shift changes
• CCTV over till area.