044 937 5962
044 937 5962
This handy sheet allows you to record daily wasteage and amounts returned to suppliers for credit. It provides an opportunity to analyse the wastage costs of the business over a particular period. You may wish to start a new sheet for each month.
Filtering allows you to analyse the totals by:
1. Product
2. Supplier
3. Irrecoverable Cost
4. Credit due
If you need any assistance with the template please do not hesitate to contact us. Good management of waste and credits could account for up to 2% of you gross profit margin.
This excel template allows you to project the wages cost to be business of the rostered wages (i.e. gross wages plus employer PRSI). This is particularly useful when rostering part-time staff to draw attention to varying staff rates per hour and staff being charged at overtime rates.
It is assumed in the template that part-time staff receive an 8% holiday allowance each week. While this may not be the case in your business, 8% of hours worked is the most common method of calculating holidays due to part-time staff and therefore will remain the relevant cost for comparison regardless of when the allowance is actually paid.
Also encluded on the second tab is a basic roster sheet. You may wish to tailor to your own needs including split shifts, lunch alllowances etc.
This template is designed to assist you in determining the minimum re-order level for stock lines, and help in considering the real cost of cash offers and bulk buying offers.
This sheet allows a record to be maintained for detailed till counts during the day and/or for numerous tills. It also deals with account sales, amounts lodged to bank and ATM, as well as reconciling to the sales reports.
Reconcile cash takings to closing cash balance. Reconcile amounts lodged to ATM to ATM withdrawals print-outs and notes remaining.
This is an excel template which may be completed electronically or printed off for manual completion.